1st things 1st: Are you going to be able you help friends, neighbors family? Seems like such an easy question doesn't it? Lets take some things into consideration.
- Food- Do you have enough for yourself, your immediate family? How much food? For how long will this food last you & the members of your household?
- Water-
- Space- If they are going to be staying in a mother-in-law apartment then awesome! If not...well you might want to think of multiple family's in tight quarters. If you have no idea what I mean may I suggest you get a copy of the book Anne Frank.
- Sanity- Scale 1-10 what can you handle? Remember everybody is going to be stressed out will deal with it in their own way.
- Who- Yeah your parents, brothers, sisters, best friend may not be a problem. What if the dreaded mother-in-law shows up, or that gripey old man that hisses at you every time your dog wonders into his yard? The bully on the bus that has sent your child home crying on multiple occasions?
- How many- What's you limit of guests?
- Pets- Can they bring their animals with them?
Those around may not be as planned as you, or their plans may have taken a wrong turn because of poor planning or a major bump in the road. I'm not just talking about close family & friends, I'm talking about aquaintances and even strangers. Someone may have planned on a 300 mile trip to a family members house only to find that they only have a quarter of tank of gas and the local gas stations are already empty. Some may not of thought of the loss of electricity or gas so their electric can opener isn't working, no mocrowave, no heat. Sewers may be backed up & they can't stay where they are. They may be physically or mentally disabled. I know some people have commented about not needing food storage and such because they have guns and ammo, now that's the one that scares me. People have become so dependant on others such as family, church leaders, the government, emergency responders such as police and paramedics that it's going to be a hard reality when they don't have them to care for them. Their spouse, caregiver, support may have been injured, may not be copeing with the current situation well, or may not have survived the events that have just come to pass. Then of course you have your looters, thieves and criminals that don't need much of an excuse to use you as their next victim.
Good people will do some insane things when brought to the point of desperation. I know as a parent that I will do anything for my children. I have a daughter who is diabetic, insulin dependant. I have a fear of not being able to give her the insulin that she needs. I will go to great lengths to insure that she has the insulin that she needs, so that is my #1 priority when preparing for when CHTF.
Not as easy as you thought is it? For those of you that could honestly say "Yes, come into my home!" I applaud you, you are the kind of person I wish I could be. Those of you who would but are hesitant please know your limitation, let your guests know the rules along withe consequences.
Can you make this decision & remain as Christ-like as possible? I believe the Lord understands each of our situations. He understands how much we can handle, who we can handle & what we cannot. So my suggestion here is to go to the Lord now, not when their knocking down your door but now, ask Him for guidance in this decision. Pray about this. Search the scriptures. Pray for patience & the ability to love Thy Neighbor. The Lord didn't give us exceptions to this law, to this commandment. Love Thy Neighbor.
Both me & my husband have parents that will need to be cared for eventually. Neither of us have the ability, emotionally, to do so. We know it's going to have to be done. We pray for patience & the ability to do so when the time comes. I hope that you will too.
How will you be? Will you be that person? Is your spouse & kids prepared to care for themselves? If your kids are grown can they care for their spouse, their children? My husband is a natural born leader. You could say my husband is a mountain man, me, I'm more of a city slicker. So as to teach me & my children we have decided to do survival camps this year. It's spring now but I would like to do a winter survival camp as well. After all we do live in Utah and C can HTF in winter as well. I'm book smart, my other 1/2 is street smart, we make a perfect match.
I recommend that you do survival camps as well. Plus it's the perfect opportunity to use your training & your gear. You do not want to be trying to figure out how to set up a tent for the 1st time in the freezing cold, rain, wind, snow, blizzard etc. Unless you have the eyes of a feline you do not want to be reading the direction to your fresh out of the package water purification system in the dark. Have you ever started a fire with just matches? Do you know how to fish, shoot a gun, use a compass?
A survival camp may be a good chance to see how your kids, spouse will get along living in a tent for a couple of days. Work out the kinks. What did you do wrong? What can be improved? What will make things more tolerable? Put your new skills to a test. Take all that book knowledge & put it to use. It doesn't have to be a miserable experience, make a game or competition out of it. Who can get a flame going 1st? 1st person to shoot the bulls eye doesn't have to help with taking down the tent. When sitting around the camp fire test each others knowledge with a trivial game.
I cannot stress this enough, not only should you be prepared temporally but spiritually as well! With God on your side you will be made stronger. I'm not saying you'll come out of this predicament whole but you will understand his plan for you is greater then your own.
“For of him whom much is given much is required. . . .” D&C 82:3
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